resolve [noun]: firm determination to do something.
resolution [noun]: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc.
I think sometimes we forget what resolutions really are. It seems to me like people just throw ridiculous goals and dreams into a list and give up on them in less than a month. That's not a resolution. A resolution is a person's answer to a problem. Ideally, it's a solution a person has come to after well thought-out self-examination. Last year was an interesting year for me - definitely trying in many ways. Different factors in my life led to several changes, many of which were not good changes. I lost myself, gained close to 20 pounds, and had become some drone-like version of the person I used to be. It took awhile, but I finally had a period of self-examination and realized I needed to get it together. In November, I got the resolve to fix myself and I've been working on that goal since then. So this year, I have resolutions, and by that I mean I have analyzed myself and my situation and found solutions to my problems. Here are my three New Year's Resolutions.

1. Be selfish - I never put myself first and that has led to me missing out on opportunities and letting my goals fall by the wayside. No more. I am now a priority in my life.
2. Read more books - Reading used to be my happy place, but the past couple years I've bought books looking forward to reading them and they've been on a shelf collecting dust. I'm going to find time for that again.
3. Get active - This doesn't mean work out. This means instead of going to eat with friends, go for a walk on the beach or a bike ride at the park. Just add more general activity instead of sedentary activity and eating into my life.
So good luck to you all, I hope you achieve all your goals and resolutions and have an amazing 2015!!!
"never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. the time will pass anyway."
- earl nightingale