Monday, January 20, 2014

[tutorial: repurposing candle jars]

So I'm obsessed with candles. Honestly. I love burning candles and having the house smell delicious from them. I'm not big on incense or those scented reeds; i'm strictly a candle gal. This being said, I don't see the sense in spending money on a cheap candle that'll only smell that first day. I buy the good candles at Bath and Body Works. Because i'm spending $20 on a candle, you better believe i'm going to reuse the container!

So here is how I clean the glass jar (or container, whatever) after the candle has no more life left. 

STEP 1: Start with candle jars. Melt them down as much as you can.

STEP 2: Boil water. Place candle jars in a glass container. The deeper the container, the better. 

STEP 3: Pour boiled water in glass container so it'll surround the candle jars. This water will melt the wax down enough to allow you to pour it right out, while also softening the labels so they come off clean too. Look at the difference in color of the wax inside the containers, you'll notice the outside is melting.

STEP 4: Using paper towel and hot water (and glass cleaner if you have too), wipe the rest of the wax off. 


...and here are some examples of how I've repurposed candle jars in my house.

Hope that helped!
"for every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned."
-benjamin franklin

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