Monday, September 29, 2014


I've spent my last two Sundays in Las Olas, enjoying and relaxing what I can of the weekend. Both weekends I've gone kayaking and I love it! I've done plenty of water sports in my life, but for some reason I'd never gone kayaking before. Now that I have though, I love it. You can make it a fun, leisurely activity or turn it into quite the workout, it depends on what you want to do. Kayaking has helped get me out of my head while getting some sun and a little workout. Here are a few pictures from this past weekend!

[that awkward moment when you're trying to take a selfie but have sunblock in your eyes so they burn and you're practically blind]

Have a fabulous week!

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"everything you want is on the other side of fear."
- jack canfield

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Hiiii!! I can't believe it's been so long since I post. It's been a tumultuous several weeks for me; it's been a busy, exciting, and stressful time. 

Here's what I've been up to:

Sorority workshop week: one week straight of mentoring sisterhood activities, facilitating workshops, and advising risk management and standards meetings. For those who weren't in a collegiate sorority: think chanting, singing, icebreakers, ritual practice, leadership and team-building workshops. All followed by standards meetings.

Sorority recruitment: basically my only days off for two weeks were spent at FIU during recruitment. I'm talking 7 am - 3 am days y'all. I love these women and am crazy proud but heavens that's exhausting. #gettingoldoverhere

On top of all that, I've been in constant overtime at work. So basically I've been exhausted for like a month. 

Granted, there are several other issues I've had, which have been stressors in and of themselves. Basically I've been distracted. I definitely enjoy being busy and love all my activities, but it's time to refocus a bit and manage my time a bit better. Here's to loving' on this space a little bit more!

Here's a little [obviously unedited] love from me and my friend Emma. Can you tell we're both tired? Here's to a turn around.

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"human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished."
- dan gilbert